Whiteboard doodles

August 11, 2013 at 10:19 pm (PT) in Art

Various whiteboard doodles I made at VMware with dry-erase markers.

"Sheit Happens" thumbnail
2005. One of my coworkers was working on a project named “EIT” that got killed when some deal fell apart, and he asked me to scrawl this on his whiteboard. I’m not really sure why I bothered to sign this.

Ducks in danger thumbnail
2008. This started off with a magnetic stick figure holding some duck magnets, and my office-mate Christine and I gradually drew different things that he was rescuing them from. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but Christine attached wings to the back of the stick figure and crafted him a giant broadsword.

"Bye, cwu" thumbnail
2009. When my office-mate Christine (Wu) left to attend graduate school at CMU.

"Bye, Christian" thumbnail
2013. When my office-mate Christian left.

"Bye, David" thumbnail
2013. When my coworker David left. Christian and David left on the same day (they both left to focus on their startup). I made Christian’s first, and I was too tired afterward to spend much time on David’s (sorry, David). I made a lame attempt at jazzing it up a bit by adding a second color.